This GPS app used to be the best of the bunch, in my opinion, but Magellan seems to have virtually abandoned it. It was over a year between their last update and this one, in which time the app became increasingly buggy with each iOS sub-version update. For example, Google searches made it crash, many addresses in the contact list simply weren’t recognized as valid, and even entering addresses manually was extremely buggy. I was about ready to throw in towel and shell out another ~$50 for a different GPS app, when I discovered this app was finally updated. Needless to say, I was incredibly disappointed when I fired it up this morning, and discovered that it is completely unusable, because it freezes every time on the startup screen. I hope they fix this soon, and I hope they fixed the other serious bugs they had in the previous version, or this app (and the company’s reputation, as far as I’m concerned) will likely be going the way of the dinosaurs.
wakinginthedream about Magellan RoadMate USA, v2.6.1